Cookies Policy

What data do we collect?
When someone visits our website, we collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. We do not collect personally identifiable information unless we specifically ask for it and you willingly give it.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are used by most websites to make a user’s experience more efficient. They are stored for varying periods of time on your computer, from the duration of your visit to a few months or more.
The law in the E.U. and UK states that unless a cookie is essential to the operation of website then a visitor’s consent is required for us to drop cookies onto your site.

What data do we track?
BestStaff do use some perfectly safe, anonymous yet non-essential cookies. We do not use these to track nor personally identify an individual but to gain useful knowledge about how our site is used so that we can improve and enhance the site for its users.
Other cookies may be placed by third party service providers who perform functions (or other services) for us. Cookies used on this website may include the following third-party services: Google Analytics, Facebook Like Button, Twitter Follow button. Some of these services may be used to track your behaviour on other websites and we have no control over this.

What applications do we use?
This site uses Google Analytics, a popular web analytics service provided by Google Inc. Google analytics uses cookies to help us to analyse how users use the site. It counts the number of visitors and tells us things about their behaviour overall – such as the typical length of stay on the site or the average number of pages a user views.
Information is available on what cookies Google uses in providing the analytics service.

Your continued browsing of this site implies your consent for us to use cookies.
This privacy policy applies to this website only and does not apply to any websites that this website may link to. More information about cookies or how to manage them on your computer can be found at;
If you decide to delete or disable cookies for this website, then you will still be able to use the site.